旅游攻略怎么做? 推荐理由英语,旅游攻略怎么做? 推荐理由英语翻译

JourneytotheWestisaChineseclassicfantasticnovel.ItmainlydescribesalongjourneytotheWesternHe***entofetchtheBuddhistsutras.Themaincharactersofthisnovelareamonk,namedXuanzang,andhisfourdisciples,namedSunWukong,ZhuBajie,ShaWujingandYulongSantaizi.Throughoutthejourney,thefourbr***edisciplesh***etoprotecttheirmasterfromvariou***onstersandcalamities.Afterencounteringeighty-onedisasters,theyfinallyreachestheirdestination.ThemostdefinitiveversionofthisnovelwaswrittenbyWuChengeninhisoldageandpublishedin1592. 西游记是一部中国经典神话小说.这部***主要描述了一次去西天取经的漫长旅途.***主人公是一个叫玄奘的和尚和他的四个徒弟:孙悟空,猪八戒,沙悟净和玉龙三太子.在旅途中,这四个勇敢的徒弟从各种各样的怪物手中和灾难中保护他们的师傅.经历81难后他们终于到达了目的地.这部***最终由吴承恩在他的晚年成稿并于1592年出版.
我给大家介绍一本名著西游记用英语表达为I'd like to introduce a famous book called Journey to the West。重点词汇解释:1、introducevt. 介绍;引进;提出;***用双语例句:MGM introduced a new system for hiring writers.米高梅公司引进了一项新的制度来雇人写作。
I like sports. In many sports events. I like running and jumping rope very much. Because when you run, you only use your hands to swing your hands and legs. Don't worry about anything else, relax. Skipping is a sport that helps digestion most after eating. In fact, there are still many sports. So we must pay attention to sports.
My f***orite sportThere are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming, running, and dancing. However, the sport that I like most is basketball. When I was in junior high, I started to play basketball in school. At that time, I found I had loved deeply this sport. Now, I would like to watch basketball games as much as I can. The basketball games h***e given me the most wonderful time in my life.
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