
旅游推荐的地方 怎么样英语作文,旅游推荐的地方 怎么样英语作文带翻译

小旺 2024-09-11 47
旅游推荐的地方 怎么样英语作文,旅游推荐的地方 怎么样英语作文带翻译摘要: 想去哪里旅行英语作文5句话你最想去哪里旅游,为什么(英语作文)?想去哪里旅行英语作文5句话I go to a interesting place,there are lots of...
  1. 想去哪里旅行英语作文5句话
  2. 你最想去哪里旅游,为什么(英语作文)?


I go to a interesting place,there are lots of peopel.I see many beautiful flowers,and there are many animals.I see some tigers,they are very scary.I also see two elephints,they are petty he***y and big.


I want to go to Paris, France touri***, legend there's a fantastic scene.

旅游推荐的地方 怎么样英语作文,旅游推荐的地方 怎么样英语作文带翻译

Paris is the capital and largest city, is also the political and cultural center of France. Paris is also the province, belong to 75 France France island sector. Paris metropolitan area is the largest European will be one. Historically, from all over the world come to Paris of the young people h***e various dreams and ambitions, here they h***e dreams, and h***e had disappointed, however as what lillke has said: "Paris is a unique city."


I want to go to Paris, France touri***, legend there's a fantastic scene.

Paris is the capital and largest city, is also the political and cultural center of France. Paris is also the province, belong to 75 France France island sector. Paris metropolitan area is the largest European will be one. Historically, from all over the world come to Paris of the young people h***e various dreams and ambitions, here they h***e dreams, and h***e had dis***ointed, however as what lillke has said: "Paris is a unique city."

旅游推荐的地方 怎么样英语作文,旅游推荐的地方 怎么样英语作文带翻译

Often look at movie story, has "the Eiffel Tower, the arc DE triomphe, etc" don't know don't think began to fantasies, what is the leading role in the sky of how difficult it is, the scene around how beautiful, can't express the beauty. Only from already experience. Just know how beautiful is found......

But it is an illusion, no experience, I think if one day, I definitely to not eat, sleep a few days on the legend of the Paris throughout.

旅游推荐的地方 怎么样英语作文,旅游推荐的地方 怎么样英语作文带翻译

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