
旅游购物 多少钱一次啊 大学生英语作文-旅游购物 多少钱一次啊 大学生英语作文怎么写

小旺 01-15 18
旅游购物 多少钱一次啊 大学生英语作文-旅游购物 多少钱一次啊 大学生英语作文怎么写摘要: 急求一份英语作文!题目:假如你是李华,你的英国笔友将要在寒假来中国,并计划到山西旅游,请你根据1.表示欢迎。2.住宿安排。3.行程安排(包括接机、游览、购物)三个提示写篇英语作文?...
  1. 急求一份英语作文!题目:假如你是李华,你的英国笔友将要在寒假来中国,并计划到山西旅游,请你根据1.表示欢迎。2.住宿安排。3.行程安排(包括接机、游览、购物)三个提示写篇英语作文?
  2. 问价格的英语作文?
  3. 购物英文作文?
  4. goshopping购物作文五年级英语?


Welcome you to our China in winter vacation of shanxi tourist ,Shanxi scenery and charming scenery. Famous yard, the royal residence of the premier, etc.

You came, I went back to meet you at the airport. I'll bring you visit shanxi scenery.

Still can eat together with you vinegar national famous shanxi.Welcome you to my home. We go shopping, we will spend a happy and pleasant holiday.

旅游购物 多少钱一次啊 大学生英语作文-旅游购物 多少钱一次啊 大学生英语作文怎么写

I believe you will for the shanxi trip and memorable experience



May I help you?

旅游购物 多少钱一次啊 大学生英语作文-旅游购物 多少钱一次啊 大学生英语作文怎么写

Yes,do you h***e ***aller size of this T-shirt?My size is 34,but this is 38.

Oh,let me check.Which color would you like?

I just want this color,white!

旅游购物 多少钱一次啊 大学生英语作文-旅游购物 多少钱一次啊 大学生英语作文怎么写

Ok,got it.Would you want to try?

No need,how much of it?

It is 99RMB.

Ok,thank you,I will take it.


Shopping refers to the beh***ior of picking or buying goods or services at retailers, which can be regarded as an economic and leisure activity.

Shopping means: buying things. Simply put, it is the beh***ior or way that people buy all kinds of goods, including physical and virtual goods.

Nowadays, online shopping is a trend, as big as Taobao and JD***, but there are more and more modern patterns. The mode of each platform is different. Buy is to buy, and things are to sell.


go shopping

yesterday i went shopping.

the supermarket is very big.

i bought many fruits. i like ***les and oranges.


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